Try the political quiz

238 Replies


What do you feel is the biggest barrier to implementing nonpartisan ideas in your school or community?

 @9JLRDYZPeace and Freedom from Tennessee answered…4mos4MO

 @9JLRB28Women’s Equality from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

People that associate themselves with a political party will not like the Nonpartisan group and say you need to pick a side.

 @9JLR829 from Illinois answered…4mos4MO


What would school elections look like if they were run on a nonpartisan basis, focusing solely on candidates' ideas and values?

 @9KZQPK9 from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

Everyone has the right to vote and everyone has their own opinions. We should also try to vote for the best candidate.

 @9KZQJPKWomen’s Equality from Utah answered…2mos2MO

 @9KZQGBC  from Nevada answered…2mos2MO

Hopefully, people would care less about specific people getting into positions of power and more about having similar-minded people in the government.


What does it mean for a leader to be truly nonpartisan, and can that ideal be realistically achieved?

 @9KYRSYDIndependent from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

In nonpartisan elections, each candidate for office is eligible based on his or her own merits rather than as a member of a political party.

 @9KYRRB2Socialist from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Polling the American people to see what they think rather than making decisions immediately

 @9KYRNZ4Democrat from Iowa answered…3mos3MO

It means that they have to have viewpoints of both sides and not favor towards one side or the other


What kinds of issues do you think would benefit most from a nonpartisan viewpoint?

 @9HY6W79Republican from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

They don't care what happens to them or anyone around them and will never care about politics and laws.


Can nonpartisan politics improve trust in government institutions, and would that trust matter to you?

 @9HLKHGZ from California answered…6mos6MO

Most believe that Americans’ trust in their government and in each other can be improved. They propose an array of solutions to achieve these improvements, including increasing government transparency, improving community cooperation and performing individual acts of kindness.

 @9HLKH77 from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

Non Partisanism would greatly, in my opinion, improve our government and institute more trust between the public and the government


What fears or hopes do you have about a society led by nonpartisan decisions?

 @9HVFPHN from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

If we were to be completely nonpartisan and our allies get into war, they aren't going to want to work with us if the time comes.

 @9HVFKWD from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

I'm worried that if a nonpartisan is voting into office, they would do their own needs and not care if they are that greedy, a agenda also allows the president (which I assume is who were talking about) to go faster and more organized


Have you ever felt a conflict between what's best for the community and a political party's stance?

 @9HY7M3RDemocrat from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

Definitely! In the political sphere, it is common to find ourselves in situations in which the positions of political parties do not coincide with what could be best for the community. Sometimes, partisan interests can clash with the real needs of the population, which can generate ethical and moral conflicts for those who seek to serve the community impartially and fairly. It is important to remember that decision-making based on general well-being is essential for the progress and sustainable development of a society.

 @9HY6HLL from Ohio answered…5mos5MO


What are the challenges of staying nonpartisan in a highly polarized society?

 @9HLKVZG from Rhode Island answered…6mos6MO

Identity politics and peoples reaction to said identity politics has led to a decrease and the vilifying of the middle ground


Do you think being nonpartisan makes it simpler or more complex to resolve conflicts, and why?

 @9HY526G from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Being nonpartisan is not something I am educated on, so I am unsure if it makes it simpler or more complex to resolve conflicts.

 @9HY4YBS from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

It makes it more complex to resolve, if they want no participation in their government.


What qualities would you look for in a nonpartisan leader?

 @9HLKY6SLibertarian from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

Ignore partisan beliefs or policies, and more of a focus on what would benefit the average American the most, in regards to their rights and standard of living


How would you handle a political decision if you knew no party labels?

 @9HGMZCZ from Wisconsin commented…6mos6MO

I would just try to listen to everybody's opinions and split them amongst who groups together more well than others.


What might be the pros and cons of forming political opinions without reference to party ideologies?


the pro would be that the group of people in the middle would be happy. the con would be that the "middle group" would be the only happy group.

 @9L6ZRJGWomen’s Equality from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

This can lead to people thinking without talking first with other people because this can affect a lot of things. Everyone might not agree, so they should talk about it to other people and see what they think before they do anything else.


What would be the first thing you would change in your community to promote nonpartisan values?


Everyone is accepted and get along in my neighborhood, we all look out for each other.

 @9KYR8Y6 from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO


What personal beliefs guide you in evaluating information when you strip away partisan biases?

 @9KYRPN8 from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO

what is fair and for the good of everyone. for example, switching to cleaner energy sources and providing medical treatments at affordable prices for anyone (no matter nationality) in need would be great for everyone.

 @9KYRMX3 from Texas answered…3mos3MO


In what scenarios have you seen neutrality triumph over partisan conflict, and what lesson did that teach you about problem-solving?

 @9KYWQ5CWomen’s Equality from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

neutrality is good, because it allows everyone to form their own opinion, and not be influenced by those around him.

 @9KYWDKVDemocrat from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

I don’t like the idea of political parties anyway and people should just vote instead of having to feel loyal to a party or disgusted at people who don’t agree with your party


How might treating sports teams and fan culture with a nonpartisan mindset affect rivalries and community unity?

 @9KLR8FG from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

The idea of nonpartisan sports seems antithetical to the purpose of sports in our communities in the first place. By supporting one team or "party," we are increasing local pride and involvement. Wanting to "win" or succeed doesn't inherently mean we wish ill on the other team. It means we want healthy and valid competition in order to sharpen our own skills. There is a way to compete fairly and with morals while also not dimishing the will to compete and further hone skills.

 @9KLNZBN from Alabama answered…3mos3MO


How might nonpartisan politics impact social justice movements?


How do you feel about making decisions based strictly on what's best for everyone rather than what's popular?


In what ways could nonpartisanship affect the funding of public projects?


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