Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9HZRRJJLibertarian from California answered…5mos5MO

During the 2016 elections, my parents and I were watching the Trump campaign when we heard him refer to Mexican immigrants as animals. I come from a family of Mexican immigrants. Was I, Montserrat, an animal? Was my immigrant father, whose dream was to come to America, an animal?
Growing up I've always seen my family as a typical Mexican-American family, proud of where they come from but grateful for the land of opportunity. I remember that money was always tight, so my dad took on weekends working extra hours. This caused me to rarely see him. However, no matter how stressed my parents…  Read more

 @9HZKZ3GDemocrat from California answered…5mos5MO

I felt overlooked by the national government when the government decided to go forward with abortion laws almost essentially banning it which made me feel that not many outside opinions or the populations opinion were considered for the most part and only cared for the few with power.

 @9HZMWP2  from Michigan answered…5mos5MO

As an Asian woman, I feel that the government is not doing enough to keep me safe against those who feel asian hate.