Try the political quiz

20 Replies

 @ExecutiveAllisonRepublican from Minnesota commented…3mos3MO

Trump's support from blacks increased 500% from 2020 to now in 2024. The reasons are more than merely economic. Blacks know persecution, and specifically legal persecution, because they've lived it. When they see the Democrat lynch mob in the guise of our system of justice ganging up on Trump for contrived or petty reasons, they don't like it.

Blacks rallied to Clinton's cause in the 90s for the same reason. Remember blacks celebrating Clinton as "the first black president?" Many are now feeling the same way about Trump.

Hispanics, especially those here in Texas…  Read more

 @PretzelsPiperTranshumanistfrom Pennsylvania agreed…3mos3MO

Trump signed a bill in December 2019 that ensured historic black colleges would receive permanently $250 million per year on a permanent basis. Nothing will help the black community who want a college education more than that. They remember, and they have been harmed by inflation and the swarming at the border too.

I am white of Irish descent, but as a graduate of one of those schools, I will not forget that.

Given the chance by the Democrats in Congress I am sure he will do the same for the blue-collar workers as well.

 @H0u5ePorpoisePeace and Freedomfrom Montana commented…3mos3MO

The single most most foolish Presidential Election strategy in all of our history was the Biden assumption that Latino Citizens would flock to him for promoting an invasion of our Nation just as long as the skin tone of the invaders was the "correct" one.

 @PigletZachVeteran from Michigan agreed…3mos3MO

One issue seldom mentioned is that working Hispanics are generally family-oriented and socially right of center, valuing family honor and decency. The democrat's emphasis on sexualizing children in elementary schools and making heroes out of transvestites and "drag queen story hour" are totally out of sync with traditional Hispanic family values.

 @Partis4nAmeliaTranshumanist from Tennessee agreed…3mos3MO

Hispanics are supporting Trump because they value family, religion, education and the American work ethic. Interestingly, I saw a Latina woman interviewed recently who voted for Biden in 2020 but is switching to Trump because she's very upset with her young children being exposed to transgender sex education and D-E-I indoctrination at their schools.


If Biden's approach to issues like inflation and border security is seen as inadequate, how might this influence the voting decisions of Black and Hispanic communities?

 @9KLPHHS from Alabama answered…3mos3MO

It might turn into a war and start something that shouldn't be too deep.

 @9KLNGY5 from Maryland answered…3mos3MO

This is very irrelevant and all people should be seen as people not because of their skin color.


Why do you think some Black and Hispanic voters might choose to support Trump despite his controversial tenure, and what does it reveal about Biden's presidency?

 @9KLN3ZH from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Trump kept prices lower during his presidency which made it easier to live


Considering the reported increase in minority support for Trump, what does this say about party loyalty and the expectations minority communities have from political leaders?

 @9KLMVGT from West Virginia answered…3mos3MO

 @FerventDeficitRepublicanfrom Maine commented…3mos3MO

Biden continues to crush it with rich white people but underperform with Latinos and Asians.

 @9KLTM9N from Iowa commented…3mos3MO

biden should be out of office. Trump needs to come back an make america great again

 @9KLV49N from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

People wanna bring back trump because of the bad causes that Biden has brought to the US

 @9KLRFJ7 from Pennsylvania commented…3mos3MO

I think its important people see the truth of things, and don't believe everything they see on the internet.

 @9KLNNL8 from Alabama commented…3mos3MO

I think that Trump has gained the votes of more and more people every day.

 @9KLLM7G  from Florida commented…3mos3MO


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