Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



If all necessities were provided, what do you think would motivate people to work and innovate?

 @9L6WCDJ  from Texas answered…3mos3MO

People would be more motivated to work and innovate if they first gained easier access to education to work in the fields they actually desire, rather than the path society inherently leads them through - which would be more productive.

 @9L8MHYH from Alabama agreed…2mos2MO

Sometimes people do not have the funds to go through college for the career they want to pursue, which leads them to a minimum wage job, or a job that isn't pleasing for them, making them dread working the job.

 @9L6WCDJ  from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

I agree - financial aid and scholarships are a great resource that lower-class citizens should be made more aware of.