Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9L92982Republican from Texas answered…2mos2MO

Honestly, they have done more harm than good. I am not a big fan of modern art. I feel that attempting to say that every perspective is valid is nonsensical. When you have a single culture, it will naturally develop standards and taboos that it will hold its citizens accountable for, and for good reason. Other than the abstract concept, I do not have much of an opinion on the subject. I am not a huge art fan, but from what I have seen in competitions of poetry I have attended this perspective of human-centered art has done the opposite of what it has intended to do. No longer is art used to bind us together and express unique aspects of the human experience, but is now used as a tool to declare that your life is so much harder than everyone else's.


They can tell people's stories and demonstrate different cultures around the world.