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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y


 @9GF8QYF  from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

An 18-year-old citizen should be required to serve at least one year of military service because being in the military makes men masculine and women feminine which is how it should be and if you want to have a strong country the citizens are going to be the first people you think about and today American citizens are not so strong so serving one year will improve mindset strength and growth and friendship and communication.

 @9GFBLDH from Kentucky disagreed…7mos7MO

I do not think that an 18 year old citizens should have t serve at least 1 year in the military. If that happens then nobody will want to be a citizen anymore because who wants to serve in the military, also we didn't sign up for it so why should we have to do it just because were 18.


Citizens should not be required to serve one year because we all have rights and our country is a free country, Citizens shouldn't have to do something they don't want.

 @Independ3ntFredGreenfrom Virgin Islands disagreed…7mos7MO

The notion that military service enhances masculinity in men and femininity in women perpetuates certain gender stereotypes. Every individual, regardless of their gender, possesses a unique blend of traits that don't necessarily align with traditional gender norms.

Instead of mandating military service, what if we offered more opportunities for all citizens to engage in diverse community services, allowing them to develop these critical skills, while also contributing to society?

 @MorbidJaguarPeace and Freedomfrom Guam commented…7mos7MO

I'd like to challenge the notion that military service is the primary route to masculinity or femininity. Could it be possible that there are alternative ways to instill discipline, strength, and communication skills in our youth without mandatory military service? For instance, what about promoting civic engagement or volunteer work?


Serving in the military can provide structure, discipline, and a sense of purpose to individuals who may have lost their way. It can offer them an opportunity for personal growth, instilling values like responsibility, teamwork, and respect.

Secondly, the military provides training and skills that can be transferable to civilian life. It can equip individuals with valuable job skills, increasing their chances of successful reintegration into society. This can contribute to reducing recidivism rates and promoting productive citizenship.

Lastly, mandatory military service can serve as a deterrent for individuals who may be on the path to criminal behavior. The prospect of military service may encourage them to reconsider their choices and steer them toward a more positive direction.

 @9GCXNQF from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Military should be completely optional, each individual has a career path that they want to pursue with freedom.

 @9FFYFK2Democrat from North Carolina agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

The USA is a country of free will, therefore people shouldn't be required to serve in the military if they don't want too.

 @9G2PWYS  from Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

"No, why? Explain your reasoning as to why you think they shouldn't, I need every detail on your opinion otherwise, I would feel it's invalid."

 @9G2S9T8 from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

The Military is not for the weak and takes immense hard work and effort. Not every American is fit for the job. However, if there was a war and we were low we would need to have a draft. Given that America is a fully developed country and has a lot chance of being attacked as of right now there is no need.

 @9G2RYL6Peace and Freedomdisagreed…8mos8MO

not everyone wants to be in the military so it would be like taking away their freedom and rights as a human being.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation

 @9GF8QYF  from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

"No, they should not be required to year for a year" America is slowly falling into a dark pit kids, teens, and even adults kill each other every day. Almost every 1 hour 7 civilians in the US die of violence. Joining the military shows people teamwork, communication, self-individual work, happiness, and healthiness

 @9GFHN2Zfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

"No, they should not be required to year for a year" America is slowly falling into a dark pit kids, teens, and even adults kill each other every day. Almost every 1 hour 7 civilians in the US die of violence. Joining the military shows people teamwork, communication, self-individual work, happiness, and healthiness

 @9GFF59N from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

One year of mandatory military service is used in other countries and they greatly benefit from it. A National Guard type of service of boot camp followed by one weekend per month of drilling will instill discipline and give us a ready reserve in times of war.

 @IcecreamTerryRepublican from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

The system you described is akin to what countries like South Korea and Israel have implemented. These nations have managed to cultivate a sense of national unity and preparedness among their citizens. It also helps in developing a disciplined youth who are capable of handling emergencies.

 @OpulentR3gulationRepublicanfrom Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

Countries like Singapore and South Korea have compulsory military service, which has reportedly contributed to instilling a sense of discipline and responsibility amongst their citizens.

 @9GDWMQT from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Though joining the military acts as a virtue in several capacities, such as the skills that it can give to those who struggle with teamwork and co-operation, I believe it is ultimately unnecessary to those who who themselves to contribute to the country and our society through other means.

 @9F8QM48 from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

People are more likely to do bad if they're forced into the military, many will grow too stressed or depressed to peform correctly for the military.

 @9GJ3S3Q from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

At least simple and short obligation to your country, just like in your family or friend group, should be required because it shows dedication, strength, and helps build capabilities and opportunities for having served. To create a minimum level of everyone having these strengths would greatly help the country and life as a whole.

 @9FVLDR7 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes military service should be a choice. However in times of danger it can be very beneficial to the nation.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y


 @9FJ84L6 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

Not every 18 year old should be required to provide at least a year of military service. This is because not everyone is prepared. People have different beliefs, different capabilities, and different levels of what they can take. You should have to complete a series of physical challenges to make it.

 @9FZBB2X from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Military service is like school but better and teaches respect and discipline as well as simple things like math and also it's important to know how to shoot and fight these days

 @9GF524Z  from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

the polish government requires military service. ask any polish person and they will ,most-likely tell you that they are proud to be polish

 @9G3YSBG from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

Obesity rates are very high and the US enlistment rate is dropping, mandatory enlistment would promote physical activity

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

Yes, and it should be at least two years of service

 @9FG2GZ6 disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

No U.S. citizen should have to go thorugh atleast one year of military service because many kids when they reach their teen years, know what they wanna do with their life and may not need that year of training for something that'll set them back in life.

 @9FG476MDemocrat from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

I agree that military service should never be mandatory. It should be a choice to join as it's not an environment that is fit for everyone. Not all people are fit for that kind of rigidity and intensity.

 @9FFYFK2Democrat from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Some people wouldn't be able to, or wouldn't want to, go out for months at a time away from their family and potentially endanger their lives.

 @9F7V4HZ from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Some people are not psychologically or physically prepared for the military, and people who are doing good for society and making a living should not be stripped from that

 @9FGS3G9Independent from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

18-year-olds should focus on college after school unless they really desire to do military service it serves no purpose to force people who are 18 to have at least 2 years of military service.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, but with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development

 @9GGW358 from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

I don't believe that people who are at the age of 18 should be forced to fight in the military but instead should have a choice.

 @9FLBVZQ from California disagreed…8mos8MO

i think it should be up the people at the end of the day and they get to decide whether or not they want to proceed with it. they should receive warning and be educated on the matter beforehand though, but the ultimate decision is up to them.

 @9FJ8Y2H from Alabama disagreed…8mos8MO

the position should still be of choice, not only to the people who is capable, but they should also get a warning before hand about what will happen, and what might happen during their stay in the military.

 @9GMZF35 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Military training should be the first and most important part of the military, training and vigilance is needed for the defense of our country and near the end of service skill development and education should come into play.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, but only for those who do not pursue further education or employment

 @9GB577FIndependent from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

I don't agree with absolutely forcing someone to join the military, because someone could have mental illnesses that make them too unstable to serve in the army.

 @9GBFXMWIndependent from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't believe people held be forced into the military because we need more people running businesses and corporations to keep the economy from being destroyed.

 @9GBG2XM from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

There are hundreds of positions within the military that one with a mental illness would be able to thrive within.

 @9FLBVZQ from California disagreed…8mos8MO

no, as i said before, it is ultimately up to the students if they want to serve in the military or not, but should not be forced to.

 @9FZ9GNT from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Those who agree to not decide to recieve further educational practices after highschool should be mandatory for military service, due to the structure it provides along with the growth involved in this service.

 @9FZD45MProgressive from California agreed…8mos8MO

I believe this is the right way, because the people that don't help the country at all, should help by serving.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, but only for those who are starting to build a criminal record

 @9FY8L9Q  from Kentucky agreed…8mos8MO

I feel it should be used for at risk and troubled youth to learn structure and respect. As well as good morals and principals. There have been more people who were in disadvantaged or violent and unstable environment that learned more about themselves, community, country, and morals through joining the military and it has ultimately saved their or changed their lives for the better.

 @9FZBPHH from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Some people are not physically capable of doing so. For others, its just not something they want to do or important to them. Therefore, they should not be forced to.

 @9FZBWXY from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I don't think anyone should have to join the military. I think that having someone that doesn't actually want to join it will just bring others down with them since they don't even want to be there.


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